The Offering

Therefore "this man after he had offered one sacrifice  for sins fortever  sat down on the right hand of God ."Yet the oneness of his priestly offering stands connected with priestly reward and glory now . The slain Lamb is of himself sufficient for all the ends of God's glory in the magnifying of his law and in meeting all the demands and is now enthroned amidst the praises of the universe  and the glory of his Father . His sacrifice , set in the central and most august place of glory inthe universe ,is seen to be a divine , heavenly , eternal thing . It was so even on earth when it was offered amidst earth's manifest characteristics of weakness , vanity and transience , yet not partaking of them . Even on earth it was a heavenly thing , even in human nature it was divine ; enen in time ,and in the instant of its offering , it was eternal . But it seemed earthly ;it seemed human merely ; it seemed temporal and transient . But away from earths narrow limitations , and away from time's transience , now it is exalted as divine to heaven's eternal throne . Manifestly now the one offering of Christ is heavenly , divine , eternal , and more than one such offering , offered once , there cannot be . As well might there be more Godheads than one and more eternities than one . Its eternity its divinity  , its heavenliness , are all bound up in its oneness. He offered himself . He was the sacrifice , but he is heavenly , divine eternal ; heavenly ,yet offered on earth ; divine , yet in human nature ; eternal , yet transacted in time  .All this is now disclosed in the enthronement of the Lamb that was slain , and the oneness of his offering stands blended with it all .
   By the oneness , therefore of this offering - and the heavenly ,divine , eternal perfection therein implied - he has perfected forever them that are sanctified . It is irrevocable peace with God which he has thus established , eternal redemption he has thus procured . One everlasting covenant he has thus sealed and made sure ; an all embracing pardon , an unchangeable acceptance , an inviolable adoption . By this one sacrifice he perfects you now ; instates you in perfect friendship with God ,in perfect acceptance , perfect pardon , perfect peace . Whatever conscience of sin you now have , he perfectly and at once removes it the instant you believe on him .


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