Shadows of Life

My soul ,do not despise the shadows of life . Do not say that they are exceptions to the proof of Divine intelligence ; do not exclaim when they are passing over thee that thy way is hid from the Lord . These shadows are sent to thee , not as hidings , but as revelations of the face of God ; they come to thee as messengers of light . They tell thee what thou could not know without them - that there is a life stronger than natural life . How could you learn that , if the natural life never failed you ? How could faith begin if sight were perfect ? How could trust exist if there were no darkness ? It is the darkness that lights thee , and it is from the shadows that thy spiritual nature is illuminated . From the sense of human emptiness thou reachest that prophetic hunger which is certain to be filled; your life rises , Phoenix -like , from the ashes of your dying , and out of your deepest darkness God says , "Let there be light."


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