John Calvin

"While the Libertines were asserting themselves against all authority , in 1552, a physician named Servetus who had been condemned to death at Vienne , fled to Geneva . The Libertines saw in him the very person to oppose the Reformer ; and the two made common cause against him . Servetus was arrested and imprisoned ..............Two men , Perrin and Berthelier , had been deberred from the Lord's table by the Consistory on account of their evil lives .The latter demanded that hios sentence be annulled ; and in face of a remonstrance from Calvin his demand was granted . Everything therefore now seemed to be against the Reformer and the Reformation .
  The following Lord's day , September 3rd , was the day appointed for the celebration of the communion ; and Calvin ,seeing the danger , assembled all the pastors , and proceeded with them to the General Council . With one consent the pastors promised to stand firm to oppose the the desecration of the Lord's table . The Council were not to be moved . The Libertines now appeared to be in view of a great victory .
 The eventful morning dawned . The Libertines were present with their swords , determined to communicate . Calvin preached on the intention of the sacred ordinance , and spoke of the state of mind necessary for obedience to the Lord's command . At the close , he said " As for me , so long so long as God shall leave me here , since He hath given me fortitude , and I have received it from Him , I will employ it whatever betide ; I will guide myself by my Master's rule , which to me is clear and well known . As we are now about to receive the holy Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ , if anyone who has been debarred by the Consistory shall approach this table . though it should cost me my life , I will show myself such as I ought to be ."
    Then he left the pulpit , and stood at the table . Removing the white cloth , and covering the bread and wine with his hands , he said , with a voice that rang through the building . "These hads you may crush ; these arms you may lop off; my life you may take ; my blood is yours ,you may shed it ; but you shall never force me to give holy things to the profane , and dishonour the table of my God ."
   As if the very power of God prevailed , a calm succeeded , and the Libertines retired ; the congregation opening a passage for their retreat . A solemn silence enabled the Reformer to celebrate the sacred ordinance in awe , as if the Lord Himself had been manifestly present .
    The question in the mind of Calvin was not whether he or the Libertines should succeed ; but whether the Reformation should be wrecked at the very table of the Lord . He stood firm ; and victory remained with him ". John Calvin . His Life , His Teaching and His Influence .


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