
The gloom and sadness with which unbelief overcasts the future , supply Christians with a fresh arguement for humble thankfulness . "Because Christ lives , ye shall live also." Your life may be feeble ; for it is still the life of childhood ; but still it is ressurection life like His own ; if you are planted in the likeness of His death , you are also in the likeness of His ressurection . It has a pledge of growth ; it has the promise of manhood ; it has the germ of immortality . You are in truth greater than you know ; and this new born existence to which you have been begotten by Christ's word , and of which the forgiveness of sins is the first inheritance shall yet bear you amidst scenes of glory and joy , where sin shall be no more , where death shall be swallowed up in victory, and where through ages and cycles  "without number numberless ," Christ shall breathe upon you a new and ever rising inspiration of blessedness , and fill you with all the fulness of God . O that we could live as the children of such privileges , as the expectants of such beatitutes . O that our existence were one prolonged thanksgiving to Him who died to ransom us , and rose to crown us , and lives to exalt to His own eternal throne !Then should we rise to sit with Him in heavenly places , and be prepared for those great scenes in the ages to come , wherein God His  Father and our Father , His God and our God , shall show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.


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