
Perhaps God permits you to walk in darkness , that he may exercise and brighten your graces . Faith and love are exercised most in the dark and cloudy day of sorrow . To believe when all is pleasing , and peace smiles on the soul , and comforts bestrew the way , is an easy thing ; but to believe when all is dark and dreary , when no comfort is felt within , when no light is seen without  - this is the faith that God values . To love when the soul feels the assurance of God's love , and the joy that love imparts , is easy ; but to love when his love is withdrawn , when doubts and fears infest the soul , when hope is languishing , and comforts apparently dead  - this is love of a stronger , nobler kind . God doubtless often  exercises his children with spiritual trials , to call faith and love into such exercise . Thus they who are in heaviness through manifold temptations , are said to be so  "That the trial of their faith might be found unto praise , and honour , and glory , at the appearing of Jesus Christ ."


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