The Bible

The Bible has been the instrument of producing all the true piety that has for many ages existed upon earth. Were the world deprived of the sun , light and heat and life would expire for want of its vivifying beams, and all would become one mass of barrenness and death .. Were the world deprived of the Bible, it would soon present one deplorable scene of unmingled wickedness . Nothing would meet the eye but pollution and crime . Hell might exult in a complete conquest , and claim this world as a province of its own . Among the myriads of mankind not one heir of heaven would be found ; but all thronging for destruction together , would rush from the darkness of spiritual night to the darkness of eternal perdition . It may confidently asserted that no one who slights the Bible is virtuous ; and that no one who loves it , feels its power on the heart , and conforms to its precepts ,is vicious . Infidels may rave at such assertions  - let them rave . They are monuments of the truth , which excites their indignation . They show what man is when he slights the Bible.


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