The covenant

Psalm 103 v 18 .
This covenant is a promise by God , through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus to give us an eternal inheritance .  To keep this covenant , is to hold fast our confidence in his promise , for "he is faithful who hath promised " faith in this promise brings into immediate contact with God , on whose faithfulness we rest ; a full reconciliation with him is the consequence of our dependence , and thus we are brought back to God .
  God's way with us , is , first to keep his covenant , and then to remember his commandments to do them . Man's way is the opposite :- first to remember his commandments , that we may be entitled , as a matter of merit to lay hold on his covenant . To obtain the inheritance by merit is consonant to the pride of the human heart , but none shall have it in this way , because all have sinned . It comes to us by grace ; it is a gift , and not the reward of merit , as it is said , " the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ;" and again "thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift ."But he who has received the gift will remember his commandments to do them  . Because in receiving the gift  he becomes reconciled to God ; and his commandments are then not grievous .


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