Truth of God

Under the old covenant , when the church was still in its childhood , it was necessary to employ to a large extent the outward and material ; carnal elements had a prominent place in the immediate service of God ,and they could not fail to be much resorted to in the administration of the kingdom , so long as it had a political existence in the world . His people had then often to defend themselves with a carnal sword , and often in the successful exercise of this did God's power and goodness appear to his people . But the revelation of God in the person and work of Christ introduced an entire change in this respect . The spiritual element in the Divine character came thereby into fuller manifestation , and , as a necessary consequence , everything carnal fell into the background . Not that the Lord's people must therefore cease to operate upon the outward and material things around them , but that in doing so they  must bring more into exercise the higher elements of power . The carnal sword , in particular , must henceforth be sheathed , and weapons of violence forever put aside . The glorious Head of the Church showed himself strong only in the truth of God , and conquered by suffering in its behalf . It was thus that he gained unspeakably the noblest victory recorded in the annals of time . And never would he permit his followers to entertain the thought of winning any triumphs over the ignorance and malice of the world , other than by their standing like him in the truth of God , and holding it fast , even unto death .


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