The Bible (2)

It is like some tall peak whose awesome form , resting on the earth , reaches the stars . It's heights are infinite , distant , dim , enveloped in clouds , but glorious in their obscurity and mystery . Those heights were not meant for mortal feet to tread . Only angels can breathe that ethereal atmosphere , or venture to explore the high and deep things of God . For you and me , those sublime heights are meant only that we may gaze , admire , adore . This is where the Bible touches God and heaven ; we must only look and be lost in the glory . But where the Bible touches the earth it touches our level ; here are no clouds or darkness ; all is light and plain and clear , because here lies the path of duty . True ,we may , as we become more and more familiar with God's truth , climb higher , get more extended prospects , truer views of the relation between the here and the hereafter , but even then we shall only be overwhelmed wit the depths of riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God , and exclaim , "how unsearchable are His judgements , and His ways past finding out !"When we get as high as mortal can tread , we shall only say with Paul , that there is a height and depth , a breadth and length  which pass knowledge . . Blessed is he who is content to understand the way of duty , and who , , in these divine mysteries which have to do with higher things and deeper things of God , sees only an additional evidence that the Bible is of God . Because it is of God , therefore does it rise so high above the earthly level as that its shining summit is shrouded in the clouds , and too glorious for our eyes to behold .


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