Affliction . Psalm 102

"He weakened my strength in the way ; he shortened my days . I said , O my God , take me not away in the midst of my days ."
          It will be remembered that this Psalm from the !st to the 11th verse , is a prayer of Jesus in the days of his flesh , in the hour of deep affliction , most probably on that night , and at that time when in an agony the perspiration poured from his body , as it were , great drops of blood . The only part of the prayer recorded , is the utterance , "Father , if it be possible , let this cup pass from me ."but it is evident from concurrent circumstances , and from the time occupied , that it must have been a prayer of considerable length , and of great fervour ; " and there appeared an angel from heaven strengthening him ." The strength chiefly required was motive power ; setting before him the glory which would follow , when he should have drunk the cup which his Father had given him ; and we have supposed that , as a third party ( not the father himself 0  is evidently introduced , and addresses the son from the 12th to the end of the 22nd verse ; this really is the angels address to him on that occasion , whereby our Lord Jesus was  so mightily strengthened , that from that moment up until the bitter end , we find him quite renewed and invigorated , so that he was now fully armed to endure the cross , and despise the shame , for the joy set before him .


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