Water of Life

Christ still stands and cries in the midst of a thirsting world , " Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely . " Has His voice become so familiar that it has lost all significance ? For all who fear and believe , His truth remains . There is life -abundant life for us . Drink of any other fountain , and you only intensify thirst , and make life more difficult , spending energy without renewing it . Live in Christ and you live in God . You have found the centre , the heart , the eternal life . As Christ stood and cried to the people He was conscious of a power to impart to them a freshly welling spring of life  - a life that would overflow for the strengthening and gladdening of others besides themselves . He has the same consciousness today ; the deep , living benefits He confers are as open to all ages as the sunshine and the air ; there is no necessity binding any one soul to feel that life is a failure , an empty , disappointing husk , serving no good purpose , bringing daily fresh miseries and deeper hopelessness , a thing , perhaps manfully to fight our way through , but certainly not to rejoice in . If anyone has such views of life , it is because he has not honestly , believingly , and humbly responded to Christ's words to come to Him .   M . Dods


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