God as Love

How shall we have a view of this love , of God as love ? By what way or means shall we behold the glory of it ? It is hidden from all living , in God Himself . The wise philosophers , who discoursed so much of the love of God , knew nothing of this ,that "God is love "The most of the natural notions of men about it are corrupt , and the best of them weak and imperfect . Generally , the thoughts of men about it is that He is of a facile and easy nature , One that they make bold with on all their occasions , as the psa;lmist declares (Ps 50:21) And whereas it must be learned in its effects , operations , and Divine ways of its manifestation , those who know not Christ know nothing of them . And many things in providence interpose to hinder our view of this love ; for although , indeed , "God is love "yet  " his wrath is revealed from heaven against the ungodliness of men ,"as all things at this day are filled with evidences of His anger and displeasure .
                                    How , then , shall we know , wherein shall we behold , the glory of God in this ,that He is love ? The apostle declares it in (1 John 4:9) " In this was manifested the love of God towards us , because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world , that we might live through Him " This is the only evidence given us that "God is love ." Hereby alone is the divine nature of such made known to us , namely in the mission , person , and office of the ssssSon of God : without this , all is in darkness as to the true nature and supreme operation of this divine love .
John Owen   ""The Glory of Christ "


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