The Spirit convincing

Oh , what an abyss of evil is revealed to the sinner when the Spirit convinces him , as Christ says , "of sin , because he believes not on me !"  No wonder the 3000 souls of men ,women , and children , on the day of Pentecost so cried out in fear and anguish of heart , when the Spirit , silently , but with power , showed this sin of unbelief , and charged it home on each , while Peter pointed to the crucified Son of God .
"Of righteousness , because I go to my Father , and ye see me no more ."
 Carrying on the conversion work , the Spirit does not stop at conviction of sin , but shows the awakened soul how that tremendous guilt of unbelief and all other sin may be taken away . In other words , He goes on to show where the sinner may find righteousness - may find all that will set him right with God against whom he has sinned . Here He works silently , but very powerfully . Go down to that riverside , and notice how Lydia is made to drop the filthy rags of devout self - righteousness while Paul is preaching Christ . Go to the way that leads to Gaza , and watch the scales fall from the eyes of that anxious Ethopian , as he listens to Philip telling simply of the Lamb led to the slaughter . It is the Holy Spirit , ond only He , who can persuade and enable a sinner to let go his rags and accept the best robe . It is only He who convinces a man that his righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharisees , if he would cross the threshold and enter into the Kingdom of heaven.


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