
"Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus"
The entertainment and increase of Christian love , of due esteem of one another , and affection of one to another , is no matter of empty compliment , but is the very stamp of Jesus Christ upon His followers . It is therefore most carefully to be preserved entire ; and unhappy are they that do by any means willingly break it . Oh! let us beware of doing so , and follow peace even when it seems to fly from us . !This peace , that is the portion of those in Christ , is indeed within them, and with God ; but through Him , tis likewise one with another , and in that notion , to be desired and wished jointly with the other .
                                They that are in Christ are the only children and heirs of true peace . Others may dream of it , and have a false peace for a time , and wicked men may wish it to themselves and one another ; but 'tis a most vain and insignificant hope ; but to wish it to them that are in Christ hath good ground , for all solid peace is founded on Him and flows from Him .  "Now the peace of God , which passeth all understanding , keep your hearts and minds , through Christ Jesus . Amen. "
Robert Leighton


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