Indwelling Spirit

We may trace the Spirit's work on the MENTAL POWERSand show that there is a divine influence decisive as to the action of them all. A single glance at the Spirit's operation on the understanding , will , and conscience , will suffice to show that , in the case of the regenerate , the Holy Spirit is the efficient cause of all their spiritual activity .
          With regard to the UNDERSTANDING , all spiritual light is derived from the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus enlightening the eyes of their understanding (Ephesians 1:17)When the question is raised , does the illumination belong solely to prevenient grace ?? it is necessary to distinguish . In the first act of illumination , the Spirit acts much the same way as when He commanded the light to shine out of darkness . But when the man has received the power of vision , he uses it for the increase of his knowledge in the way of co-operating grace . The truths which he believed to the saving of his soul had reference to God , to himself , and to the adaptation of the atonement . By the illumination of the Spirit , he acquires wholly different views of all these points and of God , who is no longer regarded as an indulgent being , nor as a tyrant , but as a gracious Father , all whose perfections are glorified by the atonement . And as to ourselves , the Spirit shows us the ruin and the remedy .
            The Spirit's operation is not less conspicious on the WILL .. The principal effectof the Spirit's activity is seen in a new principle of spiritual life diffused through all the mental powers , and inclining the soul to yield itself to Christ in the exercise of faith and subjection , as now enabled or made fit to will and to do .
          And as to the CONSCIENCE, the sanctification of the Spirit contributes to a good conscience . In other words , the conscience purged with the sprinkling of the blood of Christ , by the effectual application of the Spirit , is then committed to the Spirit , who corrects and teaches it , who purifies and comforts it , from day to day . George Smeaton


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