Proverbs 27:1

"Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth ."
Tomorrow will come ; on that point there is no doubt ; but will you be here to meet it ?The day is sure , but your interest in it altogether uncertain . We have faculties for knowing the past and experiencing the present , but none for discerning the future . We know well , each in his own immediate sphere , what was yesterday , and what is today , but we know not at all what will be tomorrow . The uncertain thing is not the day and its nearness , but our life and our condition when it arrives .
                     To count on tomorrow so as to neglect the duties of today is in many respects the greatest practical error amongst men . None have a wider range , and none are charged with more dreadful consequences . Whether the work in hand pertain to small matters or great , - to the sowing of a field or to the redemption of a soul ,- for everyone who resolves not to do it , a hundred tread the same path , and suffer the same loss at last , who only postpone the work today with the intention of performing it tomorrow


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