"Try me ,O God"

Is it not astonishing that wego on repeating periodically ,"Try me ,O God !" while we are yet neglecting to try ourselves ?Is there not something more like defiance than devotion to invite the inspection of Omniscience to that heart which we ourselves neglect to inspect ? How can a Christian solemnly cry out to the Almighty , " Seek the ground of my heart , prove me , and examine my thoughts , and see if there be any way of wickedness in me ,"while he himself neglects to "examine his heart" , is afraid of "proving his thoughts ,"and dreads to inquire if "there be any way of wickedness "in himself , knowing that the inquiry ought to lead to the expulsion?
   That self knowledge which teaches us humility , teaches us compassion also .The sick pity the sick . They sympathize with the disorder of which they feel the symptoms in themselves . Self knowledge also checks injustice , by establishing the equitable principle of showing the kindness we expect to receive . It represses ambition by convincing us how little we are entitled to superiority . It renders adversity profitable , by letting us see how much we deserve it . It makes prosperity safe , by directing our hearts to Him who confers it , instead of receiving it as the consequence of our own desert.


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