
All true believers are priests to God ; all having an equal title to draw near . The Jewish priest and the Christian priest have each their sacrifice , sanctuary , and guide - book as to worship . Leviticus was the guide book of the Jewish worshipper ; while 1 Corrinthians 11-14 and Hebrews form the guide and directory to the Christian worshipper . Our sacrifices as priests , are praise to God - the fruit of the lips touched by the live coal of judgement  - and practicl benevolence to man . (Heb13 . 15,16).  The former is referred to by Peter when he styles us a "holy priesthood "and the latter , when he regards us as a "royal priesthood "(1Peter 2 . 5-9)It is interesting to observe , that when the priesthood of all believers is directly reffered to , the high priesthood of our Lord is not mentioned at all as in 1 Peter and the Revelation . Judaism sent the worshipper of old to the priest ; Christianity reveals direct approach to God by Him i.e. the ever living priest .The priests of old stood outside the holiest . The veil was unrent and the conscience unpurged . The priests of Christians times stand and worship inside the holiest ; the veil is rent and the conscience purged. The former could never enter the holiest . The latter enter the holiest ; the blood their title . Priestly functions are not confined to a favoured class. All believers are priests , irrespective of age , maturity in divine life , or attainments in either the intellectual or spiritual domains . In ministry there are distinctions . In worship there is none . Priesthood and ministry are totally distinct truths ; the former is towards God ; the latter towards man .


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