" Himself He Cannot Save."

We learn in this text what must be in the great day . When you pass from life without any part in Christ , you are not saved according to the covenant of grace , and God will not come out of His covenant to save those who despised His warning all the day of grace . When His own well beloved was bearing wrath for sin , when His own beloved cried ,"My God , my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?" so firm and sure was the covenant for the redemption of Christ's people , that it would not , could not yield to save Christ from suffering what was due to sin . Oh ye who , in a life of worldly ambition , cherish a vague hope that Christ will in the end be tender , and not visit you with wrath , I bid you reflect . Christ did not , Christ could not , contrary to the provisions of his covenant , save himself ; and he will not , cannot , contrary to the provisions of the covenant ,save you .


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