Passing by the Cross

It is still true that many pass by the cross. To some it might be said , the cross is not your station ; it is only that which , being lifted up in public proclamation , you just glance at it and pass by . On Sunday you pass by it on the way to Monday. Your magnet is where business is done , not where Christ is exalted . You say that you "have no time for abstractions "that you are " men of common sense ,"that you must "attend the main chance ", that "you must live. "" I am not so sure of that "said Luther , when this last sentence was spoken to him , "but I am sure that you must die. " You poor man , at this moment making even Christ give way to some consideration that you regard as more pressing , Christ is at this moment saying to you , is My sorrow for you "nothing to you"?Is pardon nothing to you ? Is strength , is peace , is heaven , is eternity nothing to you? Scoffer , is Christ nothing to you? Backslider , nothing to you ? Lost man , lost woman , Christ would be everything to you , if you had your right senses ! When the Spirit convinces of sin  -  when you are slipping off the cliff of life  -  when from your heart the cry springs , "I perish !"then can Christ be nothing ? Listen to Him . Though your sins have pierced Him , though you have helped to make the cross necessary to your salvation , though your indifference to His love has often grieved His Spirit , He now makes one more appeal , and while you are again passing by , He says here , Stop ! mind what you are doing ; you may pass by , thinking to come back another day , but another day you may not find me here waiting . Accept the grace of Christ now . As soon as you do so , another use will be found for the old pathetic words just called to mind . The world will be nothing to you , scorn will be nothing to you , loss will be nothing to you ; and your manifesto will be ,"What things were gain to me , those I counted loss for Christ , Yea , doubtless , and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord."


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