
O for such a look of Christ as will scatter sin . O for such a discovery of His glory as will draw forth love to Him ! O for such a sight of Him as will never let the eye off from Him again  -  such a sight as would make us follow Him through good report and through bad report , through life and through death -  such a sight of Him as would as would lead us to seek to be with Him where He is , that we may behold His glory ! O for such a sight of the Lamb of God as would make it the soul's perpetual exercise ever to look ! O to have our sins washed away in His precious blood , our crimson stains that we may be whiter than the snow ! He took away sin  -  He died once for the expiation , but Oh ! the accomplishment is going on through ages of time , rolling on , the accomplishment of what He did , the application of it , the communication of pardon and purity and peace . Once for all He took away sins by expiation , but He is for ever taking away sins by the application . Look now , behold Him now , through all your pilgrimage on earth; behold Him , till you come at last through the Jordan of death . " Behold the Lamb of God !"That light shines from heaven , that light guides you . O walk in Him.


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