
It is a mistake to suppose that the worldly enjoy their portion here , and that the disciples of Christ permit their religion to imbitter all the sweets of earth , postponing the prospect of enjoyment until they pass through the gates of the grave into a future and distant heaven . This is a mischievous error . Those who hope in Christ for the world to come , enjoy the world that now is because of that hope . The society of friends , the shelter of home , the sleep of night , the dawn of morning , the daily bread , the draught of cool water in the noon-day toil, all these things are sweeter to the man who has a better portion behind them than they are to the man who has nothing else. The disciples of Christ enjoy this life , moreover , as a field of useful labour . Work may be done here which cannot be done beyond the boundary of the present life . They who are bought with a price delight to serve the Lord who bought them ; and this is the place where the work of the kingdom must be done


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