"The next day Agrippa and Bernice arrived at the auditorium
with great pomp." Acts 25:23. That is, with great phantasy
or vain show. All the honor, pomp, and accolade of this world
is but a phantasy. Worldly honor is but a great nothing—a
glorious illusion, a shadow, a dream.

Great swelling titles are but as so many rattles, or as
so many feathers in men's caps. Worldly honor is but
a wind, which will blow a man the sooner to hell.

Adonibezek, a mighty prince, is quickly made to eat
scraps from under the table with the dogs. Judges 1:7.

Nebuchadnezzar, a mighty conqueror, turned a-grazing
among the oxen. Daniel 4:28.

Herod is reduced from a conceited god—to be the most
loathsome of men, a living carrion attacked by worms,
the vilest of creatures. Acts 12:23.

Great Haman feasted with the king one day, and
made a feast for crows the next day. Esther 7:10.


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