[God's promises are all "Yea and Amen" in Christ Jesus. But let us see that we take them all from the hand of Jesus. Let the Owner of the Vineyard give us the grapes; let us not pick them as they hang over the wall. Is Christ yours? Then His promises are yours.]

"Fear not, Abraham; I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward." - Gen.15:1.
The first time in the Bible "FEAR NOT" occurs. It is spoken to a sinner who simply believed God when He told him of the Promised Seed. It is for thee, also, who believest in that Promised One.
"Fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is." - Gen.21:17.
The second time in the Bible "FEAR NOT" occurs. It is kindly spoken to one who had had shortly before a visit of the Angel of the Covenant (chap.16:10). Has He taken away thy great burden of sin? Then, "What aileth thee, Hagar? FEAR NOT" - He will order this providence for good.
"Fear not; for I am with thee, and will bless thee." - Gen.26:24.
Spoken to Isaac, who had Abraham's God as his God. Hast thou annoyance from envious neighbours? If the God of Isaac is thine, this "FEAR NOT" is for thee. Thou shalt prosper.
"Fear not; your God and the God of your father hath given you treasure." - Gen.43:23.
God removes our suspicious alarms, as Joseph did those of his brethren, here and in chap.50:19, by showing us that He has got full payment, and has thoughts of love towards us. Just as Boaz (Ruth 3:11) removed fear from Ruth, by telling what was in his heart ; and as David (1 Sam. 22:23) dispelled Abiathar's by declaring that now he had on his side one who would die sooner than see him injured.
"Fear not to go down into Egypt." - Gen.46:3.
Spoken to Jacob, about to proceed on a journey, in his old age, under circumstances of anxiety. "I am God ; FEAR NOT !" This is enough for thee, who knowest by experience that thy God has saved thy soul.
"Fear ye not ; stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." - Exod.14:13
To Israel at the Red Sea. Has God made the path of duty plain to thee? Then, hesitate not to trust Him to carry thee through it. Thy way will open out as thou advancest. How different the event when man, and not God, speaks ! Those that stood by Rachel, Gen.35:17, like those who stood by Phinehas' daughter, 1 Sam.4:20, said "FEAR NOT ;" yet death did come. And Jael met Sisera (Judges 4:18) with the same words ; but the end was death.
"Fear not ; for God is come to prove you that His fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not." - Exod. 20:20.
At Sinai, when the people so felt the law and majesty of God as to cry out for a Mediator. Art thou feeling the same? Let it drive thee to the Mediator, Jesus, in whom thy sin is hidden, and from whom the Spirit of Holiness comes.

"Fear not : I am the First and the Last : I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold ! I am alive for evermore, Amen ; and have the keys of hell and of death." - Rev. 1:17.
Do you ever think you must tremble as you enter within the vail? or when the Lord comes again in His glory? Fear not ! He will gently lay His hand on thee, put strength in thee, and show thee Himself - yes, Himself who died, and who liveth evermore for us ! Himself, who has thy name on His heart !


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