May we not truly say, that if ever the Christians who live in these days shall be advanced to stand within the holy place, and shall inherit everlasting life, all those that are now before his throne, may lay aside their harps, and give us leave to sing. Will it not be a mystery, suppose ye, unto heavenly Enoch, that spent so much of his time in communion and fellowship with God, when he shall behold such Christians within that everlasting rest, that have spent so little of their time in corresponding with God? Will it not be a mystery unto believing Abraham, when he shall behold such misbelievers, such disputers of the promises of God, advanced to reign with Christ? Will it not be a mystery unto wrestling Jacob, when he shall behold those Christians once crowned with immortal glory, that did so little know what it was, as princes, to wrestle with God, till they did prevail? Will it not be wonder to patient Job, when he shall behold such impatient Christians, as we have been, entering into that blessed place of repose? Will it not be a mystery unto holy David, when he shall behold such unmortified Christians entering within that city, into which no unclean thing cloth enter? Will it not be a mystery unto tender Josiah, to behold such Christians as we are, that have our hearts dying as a stone within us, entering into heaven? Will it not be a mystery unto upright Nathaniel, to behold such hypocritical Christians, as the most part of us are, entering within the holy place; and to see those that have been clothed with hypocrisy and guile, now clothed with the robes of immortal glory? And will it not be a mystery unto self denying Paul, when he shall behold such proud and selfish Christians enter into heaven? Give me leave to say this, go where we will, we shall be matchless and singular; for if we shall go into eternity of pain, we shall be the greatest debtors unto the infinite justice of God, in regard of the mercies we have received; and if we shall enter into eternity of joy, we shall be the greatest debtors unto the spotless grace of Christ, in regard of the mercies we have abused. There shall be none in heaven like unto us; and if we shall go to hell, there shall be few there that may be compared unto us. And let me but add this further before I come to the words,--go where we will, we shall be out of doubt with our condition. Within a short time, we shall be exalted above the reach of this misbelieving; a hypocrite shall be depressed below the reach of his faith; and one that is grossly in nature shall be abased beyond the reach of his presumption. A Christian ere long shall misbelieve no more; a hypocrite ere long shall believe no more; and one that is grossly in nature shall ere long presume no more:--there is no misbelief in heaven, and there is no faith nor presumption of well-being in hell.


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