The Sabbath Day

Works of necessity that cannot be done on the day before , nor left undone till the day following , as well as works of mercy , are permitted on the Sabbath. But for a man on that day to employ himself in his ordinary labours , to speak of them , or even to allow them to occupy his thoughts , is to oppose the beneficent purpose of the Lawgiver in appointing it , and to condemn His authority; and if the business of the world , which on other days of the week are not only permitted , but enjoined as a duty , be on this day criminal , how much must it be profaned by those frivolous amusements and recreations which are often resorted to on this sacred day , or by spending it in sloth and idleness ! " He that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul."
   The day of rest is a weekly and solemn recognition of the authority of God . It ought to be employed in religious exercises , both public and private , for which it is set apart; and these exercises should be accounted the repose and refreshment of the soul . That which should occupy us on the Sabbath is the grand concern of our life . To serve and honour God is the purpose for which we were created; and with joy we should deddicate the seventh part of our time to His immediate and uninterrupted service , and so rest on "the Sabbath day , according to the commandment."


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