Peter's alleged Primacy

"On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other grounds are sinking sand."

"He did not say upon Peter; for He did not found the Church upon man , but upon faith. What, therefore means 'on this rock'? upon the confession contained in the words."---Chrysostom.

"Upon this rock which thou hast professed , I will build My Church, because the rock was Christ ; upon which foundation even Peter himself was built."---Augustine.

"The twelve apostles are the twelve patriarchs of the spiritual Israel , and the relation of Peter to the other apostles appears to be similar  to that of Reuben to his brethren; a relation of primacy , not supremacy. He was " primus inter pares; non summus supra inferiores."--- Bishop Wordsworth.

" Utterly groundless is the notion that Peter had , or pretended to , any claim to dictate to the other apostles , to decide finally on all questions of faith or practice, and to bear rule over the universal Church......... we find him when censured, either vindicating himself where he was right,  or where he was not right modestly submitting to reproof  and correcting his fault ."---Archbishop Whately


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