
I think this should be a terror to an unconverted soul, to think he is a burden to the creation. " Cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground "Luke 13:7. If inanimate creatures could but speak, your food would say, "Lord, must I nourish such a wretch as this , and yield forth my strength for him , to dishonour Thee? No I will choke him rather , if Thou wilt give me commission ."  The very air would say , "Lord , must I give this man breath, to set his tongue against heaven, and scorn Thy people, and vent his pride and wrath, and filthy talk, and belch out oaths and blasphemy against Thee?  No, if Thou wilt but say the word , he shall be breathless for me ." His poor beast would say , "Lord, must I carry him upon his wicked designs?  No, I will break his bones, I will end his days rather , if I may have but leave from Thee." A wicked man, the earth groans under him , and hell groans for him , till death satisfies both. While the Lord of hosts is against you , be sure that the host of the Lord is against you . 


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