Power of God

As the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of truth , so is Satan the spirit of falsehood ; as the Holy Ghost inspires believers with truth , so doth the devil corrupt unbelievers with error . Let us cleave to the truth of the Gospel,that we may not be counted by God as part of the corporation of fallen angels, and not be barely reckoned as enemies of God , but in league with the greatest enemy to His glory in the world.
  The reconciler of the world will be the subduer of Satan . The God of peace sent the Prince of peace to be the restorer of His rights , and the hammer to break in pieces the usurper of them . As a God of truth , He will make good His promise ; as a God of peace He will perfect the design His wisdom hath laid and begun to act. In the subduing Satan , He will be the conqueror of his instruments . He saith not , God shall bruise your troublers and heretics , but Satan . The fall of a general proves the rout of the army . Since God as a God of peace , hath delivered His own , He will perfect the victory, and make them cease from bruising the heel of His spiritual seed .


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