The tabernacle

God redeems Israel that He may dwell among them .The tabernacle points very expressly to this privilege. the institutions of the Gospel no less truly. God is to be found by the Spirit in His ordinances. By these institutions He sanctifies and separates His Israel from all others , for His glory"For wherein shall it be known here that I and Thy people have found grace in Thy sight? Is it not that Thou goest with us ? So shall we be separated ,I and Thy people from all the people that are on the face of the earth"Exodus33:10 It is a propitious with Israel , for in the tabernacle He meets with them and records His name. At the door of the tabernacle sinners meet with God, and He hears and saves them . Such also is the purpose of the Gospel ordinances, and the reason for attending them .
                         The enjoyment and possession of these privileges is intimately connected with improvement. Were the priests to neglect the altar, the fire would die out, the daily sacrifice would cease, and the privileges  would soon be lost. This seems to have been the significance of the Urim and the Thummim. And so also as to our duties and privileges. It is not enough to have a Bible in the house, if we neglect to use it; or to have a seat in the church , if we neglect to occupy it . Of what avail will be the privilege of family worship, our daily sacrifice , be to us, if we neglect it ; or the privilege of meeting with God in prayer?If we neglect the gracious offers of the Savioutr, under the delusion that we can repent when we please. He may do to us as He did to Jerusalem . and remove our candlestick out of its place . How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.


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