
The minister's life must, to the end , be a life of meditation and study. No man who neglects the apostle's exhortation to "give attendance to reading"will long continue a profitable preacher to an intelligent congregation. The native resources even of the most powerful minds need to be replenished; and therefore the preacher "must not merely' have been ' a man of reading ; he must read still, or his sermons will be trite and barren of thought. He had better however bring his old stores into fresh service , than trust to the impulse of the moment of duty, or draw imprudently upon the resources of a mind too scantily stocked . At all events to suffer the week to draw to a close without ready furniture for our Sabbath work , is the mark of indolence and presumption , and promises a very inadequate and unfruitful performance of this weighty responsibility. 


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