
Wrath may arouse the sleeper, but only love can melt his heart. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance ,.The threatening of judgement, accordingly is preceded by a tender appeal to the mercies of . God. "Remember therefore , how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent." This "how" of course , has reference both to matter and magnitude , as well as to the manner of the mercies bestowed. Let such a church (the visible church) review the past history of His dealings with her, and if there be a spark of love it will be enkindled . The hardest heart must melt in view of the magnitude and tenderness of redeeming grace, and long-suffering patience . remember how largely , how tenderly , how undeservedly thou hast received !What abounding mercies , privileges, instructions, promises,warnings, ordinances, influences of the Spirit, and free offers of the fulness of faith, and hope , and joy.!Remember the everlasting covenant , the precious blood that sealed it , and that cleanseth from all sin , the baptism that pledges its blessings , the boundless love so often commemorated at His table , the tenderness of His human sympathy, the constancy of all prevalent intercessions , and His divine power , and hold fast and repent. 


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