The Lord's Legacy (2)

Looking at the things of this world, the"I am" not the "I have."is the standard of His valuation. To Him they are precious or vile just as they enrich or impoverish the inward man, just as they fit or unfit him for the grand future . His own choice , when He became a sojourner here , was the poor man's lot ; and when He died , as a man , he had no legacy to leave His dearest friend but His poor mother . Silver and gold are not named among the things that come  us through the death of Christ . But if we are not down in His will for earthly property , we shall, through His  cross ,have the "true riches"He has said "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ,and all other things shall be added unto you."Christians, what He means by all other things you will not know till you die ; but you know this -"You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ,that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor , That ye through His poverty might be rich."


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