The Lord's Legacy

There are ties that out-measure and out-last all earthly ties. Jesus once said "Who is my mother, and who are my brethren !and He stretched forth His hand toward His disciples , and said , Behold My mother and My brethren . For whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven , the same is My brother,and sister and mother." In the transaction , in treating John as if were of nearer kin to Mary than her natural relatives were , He reminds us of the life which binds together all that are one in Him; He teaches us that we must be mutual helpers amidst the trials and bereavements of this world ; He leaves His people one to another  - says to those who have the due qualification, "Take care of My poor , old, lonely  relatives;" and shows that He would have the young help the old , and the old trust the young.
                                  In this saying we are reminded of the Saviour's poverty while He dwelt below . He made no will but this in relation to what He had in this life , and only the name of John was in it . A poet speaks of going , when all was over , along with others of the family to hear the will read , aand of the talk on the way home because they found that their only legacy was " the cross " "What else ," they said one to another , " Had He to leave.? "
"No land , no home , not even a cave
As Isaac had to make His grave ,
Had He , no place to lay His head ,
Among the living or the dead.

No gold, no silver - to the bag
All went , that Judas carried ; rag
Of clothing , none was left; the guard
Had all , and left Him not a shard.

His spirit loosed from fleshly bands ,
Bequeathed He to His Father's hands;
His body Joseph begged, and laid
In the new grave for Joseph made .

His mother I heard Him leave to John ;
Only the cross He died upon ,
Some nails , and thorns He had to leave
To us ; then, brother , wherefore grieve?" E. Horton.


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