Our Life

Our life must be to a large extent be a mystery , our peace pass understanding , and our motives be hidden . The sources of our supply , the ground of our confidence , the reasons for our actions , must evade the most searching scrutiny of those who stand outside the charmed circle of the face of God ; as it is written , "Eye hath not seen , nor ear heard ......what God hath prepared ."  We all ought to have secrets which the world cannot penetrate . Doubt your religion if it all lies on the surface , and if men are able to calculate to a nicety the considerations by which you are actuated. We must be prepared to be misunderstood and criticised , because our behaviour is determined by facts which the princes of the world know not . We do not look up to the hills , because we look beyond them to God ; we do not trust in silver or gold , or human resource , because God is our confidence . We cannot but seem eccentric to the world , because we have found another centre , and are concentric with the Eternal Throne .


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