Humility & Pride

Humility is a part of the image of God . Pride is the master-piece of the image of the devil . Let us view him who was the express image of the Father's person , and we shall behold Him meek and lowly in heart , Matthew 11 29. None more afflicted , yet His spirit perfectly brought down to His lot . Isaiah 53 :7 "He was oppressed , and He was afflicted , yet He opened not His mouth ." That is a shining part of the Divine image ; for although God cannot be low in respect of His state and condition , yet He is of infinite condescension , Isaiah 57 :15 . None bears as He , nor suffers patiently so much contradiction to His will ; which is proposed to us for our encouragement in affliction  , as it shone in Christ . " For consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself , lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds ."Hebrew 12: 3 .
     Pride on the other hand is the very image of the devil , 1 Timothy3:6 . Shall we value ourselves on the height of our spirits ? Satan will vie with the highest of us on that point ; for though he is the most miserable , yet he is the proudest in the whole creation . There is the greatest distance between his spirit and his lot ; the former is as high as the throne of God , the latter as low as hell ; and it is impossible that his lot should be brought up to his spirit ; so his spirit will never come down to his lot ; and therefore he will be eternally in a state of  war with his lot . Hence , even at this time , he has no rest , but goes about , seeks rest indeed ,but finds none . Thomas Boston


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