Canst Thou by Searching find out God .

There is but one answer to that question . No one can . The very angels veil their faces before the insufferable glory of his face .
"The first born sons of light
Desire in vain his depths to see ;
They cannot reach the mystery ,
The length , the breadth , the height."
Do not be surprized then , if there should be matters in the Bible , in your own life , and in the Providential government of the world , which baffle your thought . Remember , you are only a little child in an infant class, and it is not likely that you can comprehend the whole system of your instructor . God would cease to be God for us , if by searching we could find Him out . But though we cannot find out God by the searching of the intellect , we may know him by love . " He that loveth , knoweth God , for God is Love ."There is a way of knowing God ,which is hidden from the wise and prudent , and revealed to babes . Seek to strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man . Let Christ dwell deep in your heart by faith . Obey all His commandments , and then the Holy God will come into you and abide . He will give you Himself , and you will know Him as a little child knows his parent , whom it cannot grasp with his mind , but loves and trusts and knows with his heart . We cannot find out God by searching , but we can by loving . We can also find Him in the character and life of Jesus . He that hath seen Him hath seen the Father ; why then ask to be shown the Father ? " What is Thy name , O mystery of strength and beauty ?"  " Shiloh , rest giver , " is the deep response . F.B. Meyer


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