
Your faith has many a victory to gain . Faith is a battle - a mighty warfare . It is a fight against all that is natural to you , against everything around you , that you may live on Christ alone . Faith is a trampling upon all , a despising and hating of all that comes between you and a fully revealed Christ , a suffering the loss of all things to win Christ , and to be found in Him . Be not surprised to find obstructions in the walk of faith . You will find them every hour . It is no slight grasp that must be taken of the kingdom of heaven in order to make a man safe amid the ruin and wreck of a perishing world . Believe me , it is not with folded hands and drowsy consciences , and hearts full of the cares of this life , but by denying ourselves , taking up the cross , bearing the reproach , and by following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth , that we shall enter the kingdom.


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