
Let the people of God beware of yielding to unbelief, in any darkness they may be under. Let them not think that God haas departed from them , although they meet with things that make them wonder ; for God has not promised to take them to heaven ,inany other way but through a course of trial . (1 Peter 4. 12.)"Beloved , think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you , as though some strange thing happened unto you". We may- all, or many of us- be called to pass through such things as we had never imagined. such trials ass our fathers told us not of , and as they never knew ; for He with whom we have to do  , may break forth upon us in unknown ways .But even then , let us not imagine thaat we are cast off or forsaken of God.Onthe oather hand , let the people of god beware of turning aside into security, or of falling asleep .Let   them make provision for what will try them to the bottom;and let not give way to the thought , that God would not contrive a way to carry them to glory , without any great trials , if it so seemed good unto Him . Let them commit themselves to God , that He may do with them as to Him seems good ; and at the same time , let them continue waiting and looking for an unknown blessedness, which they have never yet received or  conceived of , for there is such blessedness with him to be bestowed upon His people .


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