Divine Attributes

The abundance of uncreated good ,which shall be enjoyed by the people of God appears, from the variety and infinity of the Divine attributes:- particularly those which respect creatures, and which are displayed about creatures ; such as the wisdon ,power , holiness , justice , and love of God ;- for , although we may make an enumeration of those attributes , still there is reason to believe , that it is only a specimen of them that are known to us .  It is only a specimen of the relative perfections of God , which is known to  the children of men ; and even in regard to these , there is an infinity, which astonishes those who are enlightened , in any measure ,to apprehend them , as they are manifested in his works . How amazing is that Divine wisdom and omniscience , whereby  this world was made , and "known from the beginning ;"whereby God beholds it all at once ;looking into the deep recesses of it ; penetrating the skies ; and seeing all his creatures as if only one individual were to be contemplated !How great is that wisdom , which penetrates into the substance of every creature! How great is the power of God ,in giving existence to the whole system of the visible creation , and by which he is able to annihilate it in a moment . !And further , if we look into the spiritual kingdom of God , how wonderful is that holiness and justice which is manifested in the law of God ! this appears in the authority and strictness with which the demands of thhe law are made;-in the greatness of the good promised as the reward of obedience ;-and in the amazing extent of that evil which is threatened in in the case of disobedience . If we consider , but for a little , the eternity of that punishment which is due for one single offence against the law of God ; we may see his fixed aversion to , and hatred of , all iniquity.
And if we consider these things farther , as regards the covenant  of grace ; how amiable is the aspect of the holiness and justice of God ; in connection with his love , goodness , and condescension , as manifested therein .


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