Spiritual Power

Spiritual power is a gift which no man may communicate to  his brother . It is too "hard" a boon for human hands to bestow . There are many things that we can do for one another ; we can teach , and comfort and encourage , and strenghten ; but we cannot command the Sacred Fire that burns on God,s Altar . The Holy Ghost comes down from heaven . And the giving of the Holy Ghost is more or less directly associated with a vision of the glory of the Lord . God shines in the heart , and the annointed eyes are enabled to pierce the veil of sense . The vision does not , indeed , always come in the same way ; the operations of infinite Wisdom reveal on every hand an endless diversity ; but whatever the mode of manifestation , the chariots of the Lord become a reality to all who are called to service in the kingdom of heaven . Those who are entrusted with special are favoured with special revelations . Moses is confronted with the burning bush in the desert of Horeb before he becomes the leader of the Exodus . Isaiah is brought near to the glorious high Throne of Israel's true King before he is sent to proclaim the judgements of heaven against his unfaithful countrymen . Saul of Tarsus beholds that Face whose brightness outshines the noonday sun before he receives his commission to become the Apostle of the Gentiles . And so on . The record might be indefinately extended . On the humbler plane of common Christian life , the revelation may be less phenomenal ; but the effect is the same . On the wondering soul flashes a glory from the invisible world , a radiance from the face of the Lord , which transends all earthly splendour , and which becomes "the master-light of all its seeing ". This is the secret of the unquenchable zeal and courage and devotion  which in one generation after another have made the servants of Christ in so many instances the wonder of the world .


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