Everlasting Covenant

2 Samuel 23 .5.     We are required to go forth by the footsteps of the flock , and to imitate the faith and the obedience of the children of God , as delineated in the Holy Scriptures ; and the patterns thus presented to us , are adapted to all the circumstances in which it is needful for us to be directed by them , As in the Scripture record , the way of entering into the life of faith , its continuance , and progress , are sufficiently exemplified in the life of the saints , so the way of dying in the faith is also therein set forth . David , who uttered the words of the text , is one of the cheif patterns of the exercise of grace , in all the circumstances in which the people of God may be placed ; and as he was exhibited to the ancient church , both in the inward and the outward exercises of his life , in the words of the text and context , the Spirit of God gives a view of the manner of his death , and of the exercises accompanying it . But , although these words were spoken by David when in the near prospect of death , their usefulness is not confined to such a situation .  The children of God , in the application of these words , ought to bring to view that solemn period , when their faith will be greatly tried , and when they will discover whether they have been in earnest , and whether they have been sufficiently warranted in taking hold of such words as those in the text . The general design of this passage is , to represent the exercises of the  soul of David , in the near approach of eternity ; although it has also respect to that temporal kingdom which was to remain with David's family , until swallowed up in the everlasting kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ , of whom he was  a type . And he here , in both respects , represents his confidence as resting on God , and declares that the ground of his confidence was clear and determinate . It was not a loose general hope in God which determined him , when about to meet with death ; but he knew that his spiritual concerns were fixed , for God " had made with him an everlasting covenant , ordered in all things and sure .". And though Satan might suggest to him many grounds for discouragement , from the delay of the accomplishment of the Divine promises , the sins of his house etc , still he declared , that none of these things could undermine his confidence ; for the faith of the children of God is thus exercised in the way of conflict , in opposition both to their own unbelief , and to the suggestions of Satan .
These words were written for the use after generations ; and although there are peculiar circumstances in the case of David , inasmuch as he was a type of Christ ; yet as to the substance of them , they may be warrantably by all the children of God . And they may also serve to give to all those who are still "without "a view of that state of grace into which they are invited to enter .


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