Self Examination

Song of Solomon 7 11-13.       Self examination should always be an earnest work . The text says "Let us get up early." It has been well observed that who have done earnest work have got up early to do it . The dew of the morning , before the smoke and dust of the worlds business have tainted the atmosphere , is a choice and special season for all holy work . In this passage , getting up early signifies that the church felt she must give her best hour to this necessary work ; and as the work might be long , she gets up early that she may have a long day before her ; that before the sun goes down , she may have examined every vine , and looked to every pomegranate , and examined all the mandrakes of the garden . So we must set to work earnestly about self examination . This is no childs play . If thou wouldst find out the trickery of the deceitful heart , you must be very careful and watchful . If you would st find out what foundation your faith is built , it is a labourers work to dig out the rubbish , and find out where the foundation is laid . He who has to prove the title deeds of the estate , does not always find it an easy business ; There are many manuscripts through which he must wade , and numerous title deeds to be read , verified and collated , before the case will be clear . And so it must be with you . The great matter "Do I believe in Jesus " needs no hours of deliberation , for if I do not , I will now begin again ; but to know the growing state of ones graces is not easy. After all , you may be deceived ; therefore come to it with a soul all glowing with Zeal , saying in earnest prayer , "Search me , O God and know my heart ; try me and know my thoughts , and see if there be any wicked way in me , and lead me in the way everlasting ." Now , there is nothing to make you do this earnest work so well as to say to your Master and your Lord " Lord , come with me ." "While we examine ourselves , abide with us and help us in the work , " I cannot be careless when I hear Christ say " My meat and my drink is to do the will of Him that sent me ."I cannot be careless in my own Christian life when I see Him straining every nerve that He may run the race and win the crown for me . When I see Him sitting yonder , above all principalities and powers ,pleading for my soul with a never ceasing intercession , I cannot be dull and sluggish . Wake up , ye drowsy powers ; be stirred up ye sleeping passions , and examine yourselves anxiously and carefully , for Christ for Zions sake doth not hold His peace , and for Jerusalems sake doth not rest.


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