
Showing posts from January, 2012


Let the people of God beware of yielding to unbelief, in any darkness they may be under. Let them not think that God haas departed from them , although they meet with things that make them wonder ; for God has not promised to take them to heaven ,inany other way but through a course of trial . (1 Peter 4. 12.)"Beloved , think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you , as though some strange thing happened unto you". We may- all, or many of us- be called to pass through such things as we had never imagined. such trials ass our fathers told us not of , and as they never knew ; for He with whom we have to do  , may break forth upon us in unknown ways .But even then , let us not imagine thaat we are cast off or forsaken of God.Onthe oather hand , let the people of god beware of turning aside into security, or of falling asleep .Let   them make provision for what will try them to the bottom;and let not give way to the thought , that God would not contrive ...

Divine Attributes

The abundance of uncreated good ,which shall be enjoyed by the people of God appears, from the variety and infinity of the Divine attributes:- particularly those which respect creatures, and which are displayed about creatures ; such as the wisdon ,power , holiness , justice , and love of God ;- for , although we may make an enumeration of those attributes , still there is reason to believe , that it is only a specimen of them that are known to us .  It is only a specimen of the relative perfections of God , which is known to  the children of men ; and even in regard to these , there is an infinity, which astonishes those who are enlightened , in any measure ,to apprehend them , as they are manifested in his works . How amazing is that Divine wisdom and omniscience , whereby  this world was made , and "known from the beginning ;"whereby God beholds it all at once ;looking into the deep recesses of it ; penetrating the skies ; and seeing all his creatures as if only one in...

Self Examination

Song of Solomon 7 11-13.       Self examination should always be an earnest work . The text says "Let us get up early." It has been well observed that who have done earnest work have got up early to do it . The dew of the morning , before the smoke and dust of the worlds business have tainted the atmosphere , is a choice and special season for all holy work . In this passage , getting up early signifies that the church felt she must give her best hour to this necessary work ; and as the work might be long , she gets up early that she may have a long day before her ; that before the sun goes down , she may have examined every vine , and looked to every pomegranate , and examined all the mandrakes of the garden . So we must set to work earnestly about self examination . This is no childs play . If thou wouldst find out the trickery of the deceitful heart , you must be very careful and watchful . If you would st find out what foundation your faith is built , i...


When Pilate proposed the illustrious prisoner the question , "what is truth?" he brought before him the most momentous subject which can engage the attention of a rational creature ; and if Christ refused to give an answer , his silence is to be accounted for by the captious or trifling spirit of the querist , and not by any insignificance in the question . Truth is the  most valuable thing in the universe , next to holiness. Take any branch of general science , be it what it may , and however valuable and important it may be considered , its most enthusiastic student and admirer cannot claim for it that supremacy which is implied in the expression , the truth . Who shall adjust the claims to this distinction of the various physical and moral sciences , and declare , in opposition to the false pretensions of usurpers , which is the rightful posessor of the throne ? Who? The God of truth himself ; and he has done it ; He has placed the Bible on the seat of majesty in the templ...

Terror by Night

What is this terror ? It may be the cry of fire , or the noise of theives , or fancied appearances , or the shreik of sudden sickness or death . We live in a world of death and sorrow , we may therefore look for ills in the night watches as well as under the broiling sun . Nor should alarm us , for be the terror what it may , the promise is that the believer will not be afraid . Why should he ? Let us put it more closely . Why should we ?  God our Father is here , and will be here all through the lonely hours . He is an almighty watcher , a sleepless Guardian , a faithful Friend . Nothing can happen without His direction , for even hell itself is under His control . Darkness is not dark to Him . He has promised to be a wall of fire around His people - and who can break through such a barrier ?  Worldlings may well be afraid , for they have an angry God above them , a guilty consience within them , and a yawning hell beneath them ; but we who rest in Jesus are saved from all th...

Everlasting Covenant

2 Samuel 23 .5.     We are required to go forth by the footsteps of the flock , and to imitate the faith and the obedience of the children of God , as delineated in the Holy Scriptures ; and the patterns thus presented to us , are adapted to all the circumstances in which it is needful for us to be directed by them , As in the Scripture record , the way of entering into the life of faith , its continuance , and progress , are sufficiently exemplified in the life of the saints , so the way of dying in the faith is also therein set forth . David , who uttered the words of the text , is one of the cheif patterns of the exercise of grace , in all the circumstances in which the people of God may be placed ; and as he was exhibited to the ancient church , both in the inward and the outward exercises of his life , in the words of the text and context , the Spirit of God gives a view of the manner of his death , and of the exercises accompanying it . But , although these wor...

Spiritual Power

Spiritual power is a gift which no man may communicate to  his brother . It is too "hard" a boon for human hands to bestow . There are many things that we can do for one another ; we can teach , and comfort and encourage , and strenghten ; but we cannot command the Sacred Fire that burns on God,s Altar . The Holy Ghost comes down from heaven . And the giving of the Holy Ghost is more or less directly associated with a vision of the glory of the Lord . God shines in the heart , and the annointed eyes are enabled to pierce the veil of sense . The vision does not , indeed , always come in the same way ; the operations of infinite Wisdom reveal on every hand an endless diversity ; but whatever the mode of manifestation , the chariots of the Lord become a reality to all who are called to service in the kingdom of heaven . Those who are entrusted with special are favoured with special revelations . Moses is confronted with the burning bush in the desert of Horeb before he becomes t...