
The Bible teaches very explicitly that the highest wisdom consists in rendering obedience to God 's commands , and the greatest folly in transgressing them . One of the most striking of Solomon's proverbs was to this effect ; " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge ; but fools despise wisdom and instruction ."In other proverbs he gives us the reason. He tells us its philosophy , as it were . Thus inone place , "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil ;" in another ,"In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence ; and his children shall have a place of refuge . The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life , to depart from the snares of death;" and in another " By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honour , and life." Is this not the religion of common sense and reason ? admitting that God exists; and that he is the sole creator and ruler of all things . Is it not the acme , the essence of sound practical wisdom to , to obey his laws , and thus to secure his love and fatherly care? And is it not the height of folly to dishonour and disobey him , seeing we thus cast away from us the best and surest - nay , the only means of securing prosperity and happiness , either temporal or eternal ? The words of the Lord to Moses are as fully applicable to us now as they were to the Israelites of old : "Behold I have taught you statutes and judgements ......keep therefore and do them , for this is your wisdom and understanding ."


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