
There are two kinds of fools prominently noticed in Scripture : the fool that denies that there is any God . "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God ."- a text that suggests the remark , that if he is a fool who says this in his heart , a much greater fool is he who utters that foolish thought .  This is one . There is another : the fool that does not obey God , though he does not deny his existence. And yet , after all, these are but one . If we probe the matter closely , we shall find that there is scarcely more than an impalpaple film of real difference between the foolishness of the man who says in his heart there is no God , and that of the man who does not render him obedience. One may as well believe there is no God , as not obey him . Indeed the man who does not render him true and heartfelt obedience , has no such real , no such practical belief in his existence , as is of any use or value , or as will avail him aught at the last day. There are few , perhaps , who really believe all they suppose themselves to believe . There is none of us who distrusts the existence of God - not one who would not shudder at the thought of saying - even in his heart , that "there is no God ." This is well . Granted that thios is believed , what then ? Devils also believe it , and they are not saved : they only tremble . That which devils believe without profit , will be of small advantage to us , if we believe it as devils do .Theirs is a cold and barren assent of the understanding - barren , or fruitful only in fears . If ours be no more , we believe just as the devils do . In religion , nothing is accounted real that is not vital . Men no less. than trees , are known by their fruits; if a man's belief in the existence of God be a real and living thing , it will be manifested by the fruit of obedience. It is impossible for anyone to realise a distinct , and therefore a vital , and because vital , true , conviction that God is  and that He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him , without the will , and the active powers being brought into a condition of submission and obedience to His will . The realityof our conviction  must be tested by our anxiety to ascertain the will of the Lord , by our patience in awaiting its disclosure , and by the entireness of our obedience to  it .


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