
With regard to this fleeting life , it is a delusion to say "tomorrow shall be as this day , and much more abundant ," but with the regard of the soul that lives in God , that is true , and true forever . The past is a specimen of the future. The future of the man that lives in Christ is but the prolongation , and the heightening into superlative excellence and beauty of all that is good in the past and in the present . As the radiance of some rising sun may cast its bright beams into the opposite sky , even so the glowing past behind us flings its purples and its golds and its scarlets on the else dim curtain of the future .

Remember that you may hope . A paradox , but a paradox that is a truth in the case of Christians whose memory is of a God that has loved and blessed them ; whose hope is in a God that changes never ; whose memory is charged with every good and perfect gift that came down from the Father of Lights , whose hope is in that  same Father , "with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning ."  So on every stone of remembrance , every Ebenezer on which is graved : " Hitherto hath the Lord helped us ,"we can mount a telescope -- if I may so say - that will look into the furthest glories of the heavens , and be sure that the past will be magnified and perpetuated in the future . Our prayer may legitimately be "Thou hast been my help, leave me not , neither forsake me !" And His answer will be : " I will leave thee not until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of ." Remember that you may hope , and hope because you remember.


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