The Voice in the Tabernacle (Numbers 7: 89)

When Moses was gone into the tabernacle, then he heard the voice . It is not said that the voice then began to speak ; rather the contrary is implied . The voice would seem to have been speaking all along , but it was only now that Moses heard it . Why did he hear it now ? It was because nowe for the first time he had put himself in the attitute of hearing . It was when he entered into the tabernacle , it was when he himself began to speak with God , that there woke within him the conviction that God had all the time been speaking with him .
My soul , it must be the same with thee . Often you are crying in the silence of the night that no Divine voice has visited you . Nay, but have you only listened for it with the ear of sense ? If so , it is no marvel that you have missed the music . The voice of God cannot be heard by the ear of sense ; its tones make no impression on the surrounding air , they stir not the waves of the earthly atmosphere . . Its accents are too still and small to be caught by the natural ear ; they are speaking incessantly , but are drowned by the thunder , the earthquake , and the fire . If you would hear them you must enter the inner tabernacle , you must open the inner ear . Have you not read how in the days of old the miracle was only wrought to faith ? Why was the miracle only wrought to faith ? Not because God is narrow , but because truth is broad . The eye cannot see music , the ear cannot hear colours ; neither can the natural receive the spiritual . Faith is the vision of the soul , the audience - chamber of the soul . Within its holy temple there are voices innumerable  -  interpreters of all other voices . Here music waits for thee , here sunbeams watch for thee , here the mystery of life unveils herself to be ready for thy coming . When you shall enter into the secret of God's pavilion to speak with Him , there shall break upon thy heart the wondrous revelation that all thy life He has been speaking with thee .


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