The Law

The conscience begins to love God's law when God's law ceases to condemn me ; and God's law ceases to condemn me when I am in Christ Jesus ; ."There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus ."The effect of the Agreement is obedience to the law , - that is , the whole word of God . "Do we make void the law through faith .? God forbid . Yea ,we establish the law . "See the whole of the 119th Psalm ; observe the tone of it throughout ."O how love I thy law ......."There is a cherished companionship . This is needed in order to actual newness of life ; and this is secured by getting the enmity done away . As long as there is condemnation , and the word of God is the accuser , there is no cordiality to it . There may be a show of submission , for fear of yet greater evil ; but there is no love to the law , and without love there is no real obedience . But the law that beams forth in all the perfections of God and yet has no charge to make in the judgement against you , - the law that glorifies the judge and yet permits you to stand justified in his presence ,-  that law and you are at one . You have no cause to quarrel with it . It ceases to accuse , and you cease to keep it at a distance . You draw to it ; you walk with it ; you can make it your companion ; you can take it into your bosom and yet not be burned by its terrors ; you make it the man of your counsel . When the two are agreed they are seen walking together .
    The word still condemns the sins that linger in you ; but this does not renew the quarrel . You are on the side of the law , and against your own besetting sins . You will love it because it condemns your own sins . You will gladly run to the physician , who cuts the gangrened limb away , though that limb be your own right hand . You and the law are agreed ; you take it continually with you as your best defence against your foes (Your sins. ); yourself will drag them forth and place them under the uplifted sword that they may be slain .


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