Neither in our theology, nor in our devotions can we get on pleasantly without a constant recurrence to the might, the strength, the almightiness of God, . “The incomparable excellence of God shines out in his efficiency in creation and providence.” The breaking of Rahab in pieces shows what he can and will do, when necessary to preserve his people. Omnipotence can do any desirable thing. It raises and it calms the sea; it covers whole nations with mourning; it crushes the most powerful armies; it grasps creation; it balances the universe; it doeth all things. 11. How futile are all attempts to subvert the government of God. Its pillars are as firm as the pillars of heaven, verse 14. Yea, heaven and earth may pass away, but God’s throne shall stand. It is built on four principles, which cannot fail because they are founded in the divine nature, namely: “1. Justice, which defends his subjects, and does every one right. “2. Judgment, which restrains rebels, and keeps off injuries. “3. Mercy, which shows compassion, pardons, supports the weak. “4. Truth, that performs whatsoever he promiseth.” How can such a government be subverted? The universe of creatures cannot even weaken it. Calvin: “The ornaments with which God is invested, instead of being a robe of purple, a diadem, or a sceptre, are, that he is the righteous and impartial Judge of the world, a merciful Father, and a faithful protector of his people.”


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